The ruler of your Api’s
What is OlOrun ?
OlOrun, tool to apply traditional api testing odd scenarios by providing endpoints to configuration file and pass some required information like base url and endpoint method and parameter required and its type. Tool will make execute happy scenarios and odd scenarios also tool will execute injections payloads [around 3000 payload] and check if server accepts this payloads or not based on filtered status code provided in configuration file. Tool depends on mocha and chai to execute test cases and also you can extract an html report for you tests.
Tool built on ?
- NodeJS
- Mocha – Chai
- FakerJS
- Install NodeJS
- git clone https://github.com/Galileo0/OlOrun.git
- open OlOrun folder in terminal
- npm i
How to user OlOrun ?
First conf file is the power of this tool, please open conf file via vscode

Attached pictures dimonstrate how to add your endpints
- baseUrl: The base url required for your endpoint
- path: required path for your endpoint, Ex /login
- method: Method for execute endpoint
- paramters: Paramters required to endpoint and its type and length
- defaultValidFeilds: You need here to pass valid paramter with valid values to be the base for this tool
- happyPathStatus: Olorun used to run happy cases based on information passed like min and max lenght and default valid feilds so here at this array you provide a list of correct responses that api may return as good case, Ex 200,201, 300.
- filteredStatus: here you must provide a list of status code that api must return if it abled to detect and filtered wrong cases, Ex 422, 404
- headers: If endpoint required spicific hedere pass it here as key value
- sqlInection and xss: You can control tool to run injection modules and also contol number of testing payloads [Tool contains around 5000 payload for both sqlinjection and xss]
How to run OlOrun?
After saving conf you need to run
- npx mocha –spec Olorun.js
If you need to extract htnl report
- npx mocha –spec Olorun.js –reporter mochawesome –reporter-options reportFilename=test